
Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Can Cozy Mysteries Stir the Imagination or Touch the Heart?

Authors are often loath, like some actors, to review their own work. We are too critical and want to constantly edit or rewrite. But when we achieve a stirring of the imagination or touch the heart we succeed in our craft.
 Yesterday I read a short story I'd written a few years ago called "Raven House."

Scene of the Crime

As writers often do I'd created an unlikable victim and the handful of possible murderers. When I read the story again, surprisingly, tender elements emerged creating moments that were heart touching indeed. Without giving too much away, one character finds forgiveness and freedom from guilt, as the main character, Jillian Bradley, sees an opportunity for reconciliation. In another instance a different character finds true contentment in spite of overwhelming odds his life has dealt. 
   Can a cozy mystery stir the imagination or touch the heart? This one did.

   "Raven House" is included in The Jillian Bradley Short Story Collection along with "Teddy Saves Christmas," another heartwarming tale, "Final Performance," not your average Nutcracker
presentation, "Lawrence Buys a Gift," a story full of imagination, "Birthday Bash," with a blast from Jillian's past, and "Sweets, Treats and Murder," a rather grisly story revolving around Valentine's Day. The candy shop is cozy, but not the actual murder. I do apologize.
      Amazon Paperback

See you in my books!