
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Giveaway Extravaganza!


Come one come all to the Ugly Bug Ball, to the ball, to the ball. Oh, no that's not right - that was Burl Ives song in "Summer Magic." How many of you remember this movie. I'm waving my hand.

But this post isn't about Burl Ives and "Summer Magic." This is about the big and I do mean big giveaway we are having here at Cozy Mystery Magazine. To celebrate the beginning of this new site where cozy authors and cozy mystery readers can come together, we'd like to take this opportunity to offer a giveaway that will make you want to go and tell your friends.

There are just a few things we are going to require and then I'll tell you all the books that will be in the giveaway.
1) Please sign up as a follower
2) Sign up as an email follower
3) Leave a comment - tell us a little about yourself. Do you read cozies or are you just interested in learning more about them?
4) Be sure and leave an email address so we can contact you.

Here is a list of all the books to be divided by two winners:
"Death in Dahlonega" by Deborah Malone (paperback)
"Forclosed" by Traci Hilton (ebook) 
"Murder on the Ol' Bunions" by S. D. Moore (ebook)
"Misfortune Cookies" by Linda Kozar (ebook)
"A Tisket, A Casket" by Linda Kozar (ebook)
"Dead as a Doornail" by Linda Kozar (ebook)
"Murder in Half Moon Bay" by Nancy Jill Thames (ebook)
"The Ghost Orchid Murder" by Nancy Jill Thames (ebook)
"From the Clutches of Evil" by Nancy Jill Thames (ebook)
"The Mark of Eden" by Nancy Jill Thames (ebook)
"Pacific Beach" by Nancy Jill Thames (ebook)
"The Mystery of Hurtleberry House" by C. L. Ragsdale (ebook)
"The Island of Living Trees" by C. L. Ragsdale (ebook)
"The Harbinger of Retribution" by C.L. Ragsdale (ebook)


     Deborah has worked as a freelance writer and photographer, since 2001, for the historical magazine “Georgia Backroads.” She has had many articles and photographs published during this time. Her writing is featured in “Tales of the Rails” edited by Olin Jackson. She has also had a showing of her photographs at Floyd Medical Center Art Gallery as well as winning several awards. Her debut cozy mystery "Death in Dahlonega", a winner in the ACFW Category Five Writer's Contest, is now available.
She is a current member of the Georgia Writers Association, and a member of American Christian Fiction Writers. Deborah has been nomiated for Georgia Author of the Year 2012. She has an established blog, Butterfly Journey, where she reviews Christian Fiction. You can also catch her at
Sleuths and Suspects, where she review mysteries.                                             


  1. What a great giveaway. I am a lover of Cozies and have been so for a number of years. Of course at first i did not realize they were Cozies but just knew it was what I loved reading.

    I am following via both email and Google.

  2. Oh, thank you so much for your generous giveaway! I found out about you via the John 3:16 Marketing Network.

    I read cozies, and would love to write them. My first published book is a humorous devotional, but I think it would be so cool to develop mysteries, and I admire those who have that kind of creative mind!

    Bless you,

  3. I've always thought Cozy Mysteries were funny and very interesting! The titles alone make me smile! Thank you so much for all your hard work so that I can enjoy great clean stories and God bless!

  4. How nice to see you here, Deborah. Congratulations on all of your writing accomplishments and on your cozy mystery, Death in Dahlonega. What a neat area to set a story.

  5. How do I sign up as a follower? I follow you and I subscribed bellow does that count? I hope so. :)

  6. I agree with Jennifer, cozy mystery titles are so much fun to read! It's been a while since I've read one, so I guess I should hop back on the cozy mystery bandwagon. Those are stories I always loved to read anyhow.


  7. I love Cozies and thanks so much for your generous giveaway!

  8. I do read cozies and I love good mysteries. Mysteries being my fave genre. I have a blog where I review the books I read.

    Linda at: desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

  9. Eek! I forget to tell you I'm following via GFC and by email.

    Linda at : desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

  10. I love cozies and romantic suspense.
    So I'm joining your celebration. I'm following and subscribed by
    Please enter me in your contest.
    What a great idea!

  11. i'm considered fairly a new cozy fan, & i LOVE them!!!
    thank you for the giveaway!!

    cyn209 at juno dot com

  12. Note* If you want to know how to become a follower, scroll up till you see the picture of Deborah in the blue. To the right of that (sort of) is a block of tiny pictures of people. Click follow above that. You will be asked to sign up for a free google account if you don't already have one. Voila! You're a follower of this blog!

  13. I love mysteries and when I found Cozy Mysteries I fell in love with them. Reading Nancy and Trixie when I was young gave me my love of mysteries and I have read them for over 50 yrs.

    GFC follower

    Email subscriber

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  14. Oh, Boy we are off to a good start. Thanks to everyone for stopping by. Be sure and share with your friends on facebook. This will run until the end of the month.

    Debbie Malone

  15. What a wonderful giveaway. I'm a follower of this blog, as well as a email follower. I love to read cozies. This is such a great giveaway and I thank you for the opportunity.


  16. i am not sure what cozies are but am hoping to win so I will know!

  17. I am a follower and an email follower.
    I am just learning about cozies.
    I read a ton and love reading all types of christian fiction.
    This is a great giveaway.
    A little more about me, I am single and live in MN. I volunteer with the senior high kids at church and I have a passion for missions. I am currently without a job and searching for the next thing for me.

  18. wow, great giveaway.

    I love cozy mysteries, though I have to admit that I haven't read any lately. I'm writing and reading middle grade and young adult books. But I would love to have some cozies to read as a kind of desert when I'm not working. :) My mother has long been a mystery fan, cozies and otherwise. For years she read one a day. She's too old now to remember what she's reading. That cuts down on the cost of new books. She can read the same mystery every day and not remember who done it. But it doesn't do much for sales for you writers. Sorry.

    I am an email follower now, but when I hit the button to follow on Google Friend Connect, I get an error. I'll try again throughout the day to see if I can get in there.

    sally at paraklesis dot com

    1. OK I got in with the Google Friends Connect, now.

  19. It is so good to see Sally, Wendy, Debbie and Jo. I am recognizing some familiar faces and meeting some new ones. This is great. I can't wait to meet more new friends. Thank you so much for stopping by.
    Debbie Malone
    "Death in Dahlonega"

  20. LOVE mysteries!! Cut my eye teeth on them as a child, as many of the commentors have stated above. I read cozies quite a bit, along with other types of mysteries.

  21. I just love reading! As a missionary we travel ALOT! I used to crosstitch as we went but those little squares just keep getting smaller & smaller. Now I read. Even at the walking track - I read as I walk - haven't fell yet!

  22. I am a follower and an email follower.

    I have loved reading as long as I can remember. My mom said I came home from first day of school angry because I couldn't read. Guess everyone told me I'd be able to read when I started school. I must have thought it was magic or something that would happen automatically. Been in love with books as long as I can remember and love all kinds, cozy mysteries included.

  23. I am new to the concept of "cozy" mysteries, but I love tea and crumpets and scones, oh my! I also love reading! Thanks for a chance to win books in a genre new to me.

  24. I enjoy reading cozy mysteries and probably read about a dozen a year. I hope to someday write one of my own. Your site looks like fun. Thanks for this opportunity.


  25. I'm an avid reader of many genres, but cozy mysteries are my favorite for mysteries. Love them all! Thank you for the terrific giveaway and for a chance at winning some great books! Have a great evening. I'm new to your blog and have subscribed by email. Thanks!



    1. I really am interested in learning more about cozy mysteries. I haven't read them but would love to win some so I could get started. I have read and love all the "Cat Who" books so this genre is intriguing. I also am new to the blog and have subscribed by email.

      my email is:

  26. My name is Barbara Ann Derksen. I write mystery but more the thriller/suspense variety. Every now and again I pick up a cozy to read for the fun of it. I would be honored to receive these books and would certainly post reviews once I've read them.

  27. I've probably loved cozy mysteries since before they were called that. Of course there is not much Christian fiction that I don't love but I do have a slight preference for mysteries and suspense. A historical setting can also be a plus.

    I am a follower and email follower.


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.