
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Better Late than Never!

My apologies to both the readers of Cozy Mystery Magazine and my fellow mystery author-bloggers. Today was the last day of summer before my kids head back to school, and already the PTO has their claws in me.

I have been looking forward to this day's blog post with a little list of things to share: best way to chemically fake a heart attack, three ways to hide a body at a funeral, icky things that make great biological clues, fun mysteries to enjoy on Netflix while you catch up on housework now that the kids are back in school. As you can see, especially if you aren't on the left coast like I am, I didn't get it done.

But I did notice from the previous two posts that it is tea time! I can dig that. I've got my own little collection of tea pots, two for Christmas, two for pretty, and one we use everyday. Well, not literally, but several times a week.

A tea party, Hilton style, looks something like this:

The tea pot is Target, circa 2001. It was a wedding present from my Aunt Sally. I knit the cozy myself. Many an evening finds my husband and I sitting at that pine farm table with that teapot in that tea cozy enjoying a cup of Tetley while we work. I write novels, blogs, and tweets. He preps for the class he teaches at the community college in his spare time and blogs.

Other nights the tea pot follows us into the bedroom where we snuggle down and watch our favorite mysteries. I can wholeheartedly recommend Rosemary and Thyme, a very cozy British Mystery available for streaming at Neflix.

But I can't leave it at just this picture. My post feels incomplete without offering you a little something to take home. is the pattern for a great tea cozy you can knit!

Pattern for Tea Cozy at Pamela's Blog.

(image from Pamela's Blog)

And with that, I must be off. Tea doesn't steep itself!

Traci Tyne Hilton is a mom, Sunday School teacher, novelist, and award winning playwright from Portland, Oregon. She is madly working on her next mystery series which has finaled in the Books of Hope Contest at Write Integrity Press and has an impending deadline.

Traci earned a degree in History from Portland State University and lives in the rainiest part of the Pacific Northwest with her husband the mandolin playing funeral director from Kansas, their two daughters, and their dog, Dr. Watson.
More of Traci's work can be found at

The Mitzy Neuhaus Mystery Series is available at Amazon.


  1. Your post was worth the wait! Thanks Traci. My goodness you are so amazing knitting cozies the way you do! And sharing the pattern with readers was such a thoughtful gesture. I raise my teacup to you, dear friend!

    ~Nancy Jill Thames
    Author of the Jillian Bradley Mysteries
    "Queen of Afternoon Tea

  2. Ah, thanks. : ) Now that the kids are back in school I believe I can watch my deadlines more carefully!

    (And isn't deadline a wonderfully appropriate word for mystery writers? : D )


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