
Thursday, November 1, 2012

My Favorite Writing Place

Following in the theme of where we like to create our stories I thought I would contribute. So where is my favorite writing place? depends. You see, wherever my laptop is, that is where I like to write, but I do have some favorite spots in my house.
First there is

The Comfy Living Room Chair
This was my Mom's chair, until she decided she liked the couch better. So I will often get my laptop and start creating. Until I need a change of venue then I move to

The Not So Comfy, But For Some Reason I Like It, Floor

This is a holdover from my childhood. Mom said I would go under the kitchen table before I could read and make up my own stories to go along with the pictures in the book. Eventually I settled for just the floor. Although as I age I find that the time I can actually sit on the floor gets to be less. So I move to
The Not As Comfy, But It Will Do, Bedroom Chair
I've had this chair for years, after my Mom decided she didn't like it. I got more furniture that way. Anyway, I put it in my bedroom just in case a brilliant writing idea happens to come my way. Besides the laptop charger is in there. Oh by the way, see the pretty grandmother's flower garden quilt? Mom made that, as well as the little afghan on the comfy chair. She was very creative. I wish it was genetic.

Anyway that's where I do my creating, but there one piece of furniture that seems out of place...

A DESK??? What Am I Supposed To Do With A DESK?
Mom must have snuck this one in on me when I wasn't looking. 

Mystery writer C.L. Ragsdale is the author of The Reboot Files a Christian Mystery Series. A California native, she loves to "surf" the web to research plot details for her fun, quirky stories with just a bit of whopper in them. She has a degree in Theatre Arts which greatly influenced her writing style. Working in various fields as a secretary has allowed her to both master her writing skills and acquire valuable technical knowledge which she uses liberally in her plots. She loves to embroider and knit and is a big fan of the old Scooby Doo cartoons.
Current E-Books
THE REBOOT FILES:  The Mystery of Hurtleberry House, The Island of Living Trees, The Harbinger of Retribution, and The Wrong Ghost.


  1. I'd choose the first comfy chair to write in - except I'd probably fall asleep! Thanks for letting us see your work spaces, Cindy. The floor is especially interesting. I can see how it would be like a totally non-distracting space to work.

    Have a great day, my friend!

    ~Nancy Jill

  2. Funny! I also use a laptop, and find it's helpful to move around the house. Sometimes that's all it takes to get unstuck. But I still work at my desk most often, for ergonomic reasons.

  3. Thanks for sharing Cindy. I'm like you I don't use a desk at all.
    Deborah Malone
    "Death in Dahlonega"


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