
Sunday, September 29, 2013

A Writer's Clock--by Linda P. Kozar

Honestly, I thought this clock was funny when I bought it--funny and improbable. That's what tickled my funny bone. But that was years ago and a lot of words have passed through my head since then. Now I see the truth in it.

Procrastinate--How many times have I done that? Usually when I'm having trouble with a plot. Like right now. Is Concrastinate a word? If there's a pro, shouldn't there be a con? And what would it mean? Taking care of things right away. Like NOW!
Wait--Waiting to get an agent, waiting to get a contract. For your publisher to send a limo driver to whisk you to the airport (first class seat, of course) to New York, where there's another limo driver waiting to ferry you to all the talk shows and events because you're the toast of the town! That bestselling author everyone is talking about. 
Idle--The place we find ourselves stuck sometimes. In between contracts. In between story ideas. Idle.
Stall--The engine was at least on during the idle phase. Now the contracts or the ideas have totally dried up and you're stalled!
Dilly--Mind is totally off of writing. Usually spring does this to me. I'd rather walk barefoot through the green grass, follow the flight paths of butterflies or watch clouds.
Dally--Still doing all the above, but getting tired of it. Not tired enough to stop yet though.
Lollygag--When my friends tempt me to meet them for lunch or go antiquing when I should be writing. Or, when I'm sitting around, leg hanging over a chair, thinking about absolutely nothing.
Hesitate--This is what I do when I over think things. Like when I read another writer's work and wonder what I'm doing trying to write. These are the times I feel like a chimpanzee pecking away at a typewriter.
Putter--No, not puttering! Anything but puttering! Save me from cleaning my closet or tackling that junk drawer! I'd rather be writing. 
Delay--When life interferes. I'm right in the middle of a great dialogue or plot and get derailed by some urgent task or somebody who needs a ride somewhere or my dog suddenly gets sick or I burn dinner because I'm not paying attention...
Late--I'm never late on a deadline. 
Suspend--A story idea that's waaaay too crazy or far-fetched--for today at least. I set it aside. Suspend!

Linda Kozar is the co-author of Babes With A Beatitude—Devotions For Smart, Savvy Women of Faith (Hardcover/eBook, Howard/Simon & Schuster 2009) and author of Misfortune Cookies (Print, Barbour Publishing 2008), Misfortune Cookies, A Tisket, A Casket, and Dead As A Doornail, (“When The Fat Ladies Sing Series,” eBooks, Spyglass Lane Mysteries, 2012). Strands of Fate released October 2012 (Hardcover/eBook, Creative Woman Mysteries), and her nonfiction title Moving Tales, Adventures in Relocation, released in 2013 (Indie-Published). She received the ACFW Mentor of the Year Award in 2007, founded and served as president of Writers On The Storm, The Woodlands, Texas ACFW chapter for three years. In 2003, she co-founded, co-directed and later served as Southwest Texas Director of Words For The Journey Christian Writers Guild.

In addition to writing Linda is Lead Host of the Gate Beautiful Radio Show, part of the Red River Network on Blog Talk Radio—interviewing Christian authors from Debut to Bestselling, airing the 3rd Thursday of every month. She and her husband Michael, married 24 years, have two lovely daughters, Katie and Lauren and a Rat Terrier princess named Patches.

Represented by: Wendy Lawton, Books & Such Literary Agency

Member of: CAN (Christian Authors Network), RWA (Romance Writers of American), WHRWA (West Houston Romance Writers of America), ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers), Writers On The Storm, The Woodlands, Texas Chapter of ACFW, Toastmasters (Area 56) The Woodlands, Texas, The Woodlands Church, The Woodlands, TX.


  1. I am so happy that I am not the only one who procrastinates. I have a tenancy to look for free ebooks when I should be writing. Like you it's when I get stuck on a story. It will work itself out, but it's frustrating when it's going on, so I avoid it.


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