
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I Have To Do What! (Plus Giveaway for "Death in Dahlonega")


In honor of this post which is about Marketing I am offering a copy of "Death in Dahlonega" as a giveaway. Anyone who leaves a comment and signs up as a follower can qualify. I'll give a few days for people to leave a comment. Be sure to tell your friends on facebook!

I Have To Do What?
(Part One)

The journey to publication is usually a long one. Every now and then you hear of someone writing a book and having it published in less than a year, but that is not the norm. I started going to conferences and dreaming of writing my novel in 2002 - twelve years ago. "Death in Dahlonega" was published in October 2011. Yes, I had a lot of things going on in my life during that time so there were periods I didn't write for a couple of years. But three years ago I discovered American Christian Fiction Writers and I got serious! That was the best thing I ever did for my writing journey.

Now, back to marketing. I remember when I first started attending writing conferences they were already talking about how the publishing world was changing and how the author had to take a bigger part in marketing. So I was aware the author had to do some marketing. But that was in the future and as Scarlet said, "I'll worry about that tomorrow." Well tomorrow finally came. Boy did I learn a lot about marketing in a hurry and quite frankly by the seat of my pants. Yes, I'd read some books, but putting what is on paper into action is a different story.

I was published by a small press, Lamp Post Publishing, and I learned that most small presses do very little in the way of marketing. It is pretty much left up to the author. But having said that even the authors who are published by the big houses are still expected to market their books.

Now - what do I mean by marketing?  Marketing is getting your book out to the public in various ways resulting in sales of your book and name recognition. I want to tell you a few ways that I have marketed "Death in Dahlonega." When I first joined American Fiction Christian Writers I wondered if I would ever finish my book. So in the mean time I decided to establish a blog where I'd review Christian fiction and help other authors. That was a great move. Not only did I get to meet many authors it got my name out in the field of Christian authors and readers. They became familar with my name from the blog. A great way to market from a blog is to have giveaways - which I did. I now have 300 followers on my blog Butterfly Journey.  

To keep this post from being too long and getting boring I'm going to stop here and finish up in my next post which will be two weeks from now. Please come back and let me tell you more ways to market your book. If you are a reader you might be interested in knowing how much goes into writing a book - because the work doesn't stop when the book is published. Actually it's just begun. So I'll look forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks. Please don't forget to leave a comment to win a copy of "Death in Dahlonega." P. S. - This is marketing!

Deborah Malone’s first novel Death in Dahlonega, finaled in the American Christian Fiction Writer’s Category Five writing contest! Deborah was also nominated for 2012 Georgia Author of the Year in First Novel category. She has worked as a freelance writer and photographer, for the historic magazine “Georgia Backroads.” She has had many articles and photographs published, and her writing is featured in “Tales of the Rails,” edited by Olin Jackson. She is a member of the Georgia Writer’s Association. As a current member of the American Christian Fiction Writer she has established a blog where she reviews Christian Fiction.   


  1. That's a lot of work, Deborah! I'm glad you have persevered and been published :) I have a copy so I'm not entering, but I did share on my FB wall!

  2. Thanks for taking the time to stop by and visit Anne and thanks for sharing on FB!


  3. Good advice, Debbie, and, unless you're a celeb author, I think probably all authors have to do their own marketing these days. I already have a copy too and it's on the top of my "To-Read" stack--I'm just trying to find the time to actually read my "To-Read" books!

    1. Hi Sandra,

      Good to see you here. Glad to know most authors have to market these days. Can't wait until you read DID. I hope you like it be sure and let me know. Thanks for stopping by, you are always a staunch supporter!


  4. Debbie, your "magic" touch of marketing inspires me. Above your writing talent, you have so much to share with all of us, thanks! Believe it or not, I don't have a hard copy of DiD for myself, I gave mine away, so I'd love to be in the running for a copy. :-)

    1. Hi Bev,
      I want everyone to know that Bev is my editor extraordinnare!
      She helped with "Death in Dahlonega" and has taken on my next book "Murder in Marietta." Thank you for doing a great job Bev! I couldn't have done it without you. Thanks for stopping by!
      Hugs Debbie

  5. Deb, I have, however unwittingly, begun "marketing" before having finished my first MS. Actually, I was trying to make connections with other Christian writers and have many friends on FB, connections on LinkedIn and visitors to my blog, Ramblings of a Crowded Mind, I am also a member of ACFW and can't say enough about how great an organization it is. Anyway, nice to know that my marketing has already begun. (LOL) Would so love to win a copy of your book!

    1. Pat,
      I'm like you. When I started my blog I wasn't thinking marketing, but it has turned out that way. You are off to a good start and when your book comes out people will be familiar with your name. And if you've helped them they will want to help you!

  6. Hats off Debbie to a great post - and the winner of "Death in Dahlonega" is in for a treat!

    ~Nancy Jill Thames
    Author of the Jillian Bradley Mysteries
    "Queen of Afternoon Tea" Celebrity Author Interviews

    1. Hi Nancy,

      Thank you for the kind words! Thanks for stopping by!


  7. Debbie,

    Thanks for the advice! I've completed a manuscript and working toward self-publishing....I'm soaking up all the information I can get my hands on!

    1. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to stop by and leave a comment. A good book on marketing is "Stress-Free Marketing" by Renea Winchester who is a member of Georgia Writer's Assoc.


  8. Hi Deborah,
    Thanks for the interesting post. Congratulations on your book and your blog.

    1. Hi my friend. Good to see you here Gail. You are always so supportive of me. I hope to see you soon at a New Life Writer's meeting.


  9. Thank you, Debbie, for your thoughtfulness in passing along what you have learned along the way to publication. It was a long road for you, but very worth it!

    A friend's mother wrote a book about growing up in a small town. When we visited the shops in that town we found her book prominently displayed in most of the shops. I am wondering if that is how your book is marketed in the Dahlonega community?

    I am a follower by e-mail, but I do not yet do Facebook. I love butterflies and am wearing a butterfly pendant necklace which belonged to my mother. Looking forward to your next "Butterfly Journey."

    Blessings, Janice jsmithg(at)hotmail(dot)com

    1. Hi Janice,

      Thank you for your wonderful reply. You are very astute in asking about marketing to the stores in Dahlonega. Yes, The General Store in downtown Dahlonega sells them and also the gift shop at Amicalola Falls Lodge has been selling them and they are going like hotcakes there. I'm very excited that in November - Dahlonega is holding a Book Festival and I've been invited to be a part of their "Regional Books" at the festival. I really can't wait! Thanks again for stopping by. I'll have more on this in my next post.

  10. Dear Ms. Malone, As a new member (previous membership expired) of GWA, thank you for the encouraging story about your path to publication. I am interested in the drawing for your book. I am about to sign up to follow this site by e-mail as I am not part of Google Plus yet. Your novel sounds interesting and I look forward to visiting your blog site soon. Sincerely, Tanya Agler

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Tanya,

      Thanks so much for stopping by. Maybe we will be able to meet someday. If you are interested in marketing a good book is "Stress-Free Marketing" by Renea Winchester who is a member of GWA. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment and good luck on your writing!

  12. Debbie what an honest and helpful review. Like you I have a novel fermenting in my head with a lot of notes. Your blog has spurred me to get on with the act of writing. I also write a blog called bookaholic which is on blogger as I am an avid reader. Would love to win a copy of your book but as I live in Scotland I will fully understand if I'm out of the running. I hope your writing is going well and you have another book out soon


    1. Thanks so much for stopping by. I can't believe you are all the way from Scotland. I'd love to visit my homeland (ancestors come from England). I appreciate you kind words and wish you the best on your writing. Yes, it took me years, but it can be done. The formula is to keep on keeping on. Thanks again,
      Debbie Malone

  13. Sounds like a good book. I am a Follower.

    1. Hi Wendy,

      Thanks for stopping by and signing up as a follower!


  14. And you even educated me on what a cozy mystery is:)

    1. Hi Lorilyn,

      Thanks for stopping by. And you helped educate me on marketing. I was number 4 on Amazon's best seller list for women sleuths. I used the formula that John 3:16 uses!


  15. Hi Debbie, I went to Dahlonega web site to find out when in November Dahlonega is holding a Book Festival and found nothing. They have schedule for Aug but no further. When is the festival to be held? I live in middle GA and would love to attend providing my back surgery goes well next week. I would love to meet you. I still have not gotten a copy of your book but have on my wish list.

    I am an email subscriber and google follower (Brenda Hill) (Been following your blog, Butterfly Journey for 3 or more yrs, I think?). lol

    Thanks for this opportunity to enter giveaway.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  16. Hi Brenda,
    I'm glad to know your real name. LOL Yes, I know you've been following me and I appreiciate it very much. I love to keep up with my followers and readers. The festival is Nov. 10th and 11th. I'll be in the regional books section. (on the inside) Thanks again for stopping by.

  17. What a great post. This book sounds like it is going to be a really good treat.


  18. Nice article, Deborah! Looking forward to the next installment :)

  19. Hi Jo and Jennifer,

    Good to see you here and I always appreicate your support. Jen, I'm working hard to get Murder in Marietta edited and published. I hope sometime after the first of the year. Can't wait to visit your book club again and see some familiar faces!



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