
Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Holidays Are Almost Here...Oh My

A (slightly) Exaggerated View Of My Reaction
To The Realization That The Holidays Are Near
I see from various posts on this blog that the Holidays are almost upon us and I have just three words to sum up my situation.
I…am doomed.
Don’t get me wrong, this year is going to be tough due to the recent passing of my mother. Thanksgiving especially was her favorite holiday. Odd to me because until she got too sick to do so, she did all the cooking. Of course, we all showed our appreciation of her labors by gaining five pounds each in one sitting. Still, she loved it.
Christmas is going to hard as well, but we have little kids in the family and they deserve the holiday. Still, although I am sure with time it will be easier, there’s going big hole that’s never going to be filled again.
But not why I’m doomed.
You see every year, even after she got sick, Mom made the Christmas candy. Now I’m not talking about the marshmallow chocolate fudge that even I couldn’t mess up. We have that too, but I’m talking about the BIG one. The family tradition, the one we got once a year and which everyone could hardly wait for.
The Buttermilk Fudge.
Now don’t let the name fool you. This is the good stuff. True, to me as a drink Buttermilk is to be avoided at all cost, but as an ingredient, especially in this recipe, it is fabulous. I do not exaggerate. So what’s it like? Well, it’s sort of like a praline, but not as pretty. The first time they see, most people take a look at it, wonder what that brown is, and wait until there is no sugar left before they even venture to try it. Then it is gone it under a minute, and then they wait all year to get more. Providing I can hide some from my family. They do have first dibs.
So why am I doomed? 
Well realizing for the past couple of years that Mom was not up to the manual labor involved in the recipe, there's enough stirring involved to wear your arm out, I helped her. Okay, I wanted the fudge too.  However, I made a fatal error. Last year, feeling particularly optimistic, I asked Mom to let me make the fudge. Which I did, under her supervision of course. You see the last time I tried making the fudge on my own I ended up with buttermilk fudge soup. Needless to say, it didn’t go over well.
You see this is real candy making folks. Candy thermometers, the big dutch oven pan, soft ball stages, a wooden spoon must be used…I don’t why, but it must be a wooden spoon!
Fortunately, under Mom’s watchful eye, it turned out right, and of course I had to brag and tell everyone that I made it. Well this year, Mom is not here to supervise, and guess who’s making the sacred family fudge.
That’s why I am doomed.
Not that I'd get kicked out of the family if I mess it up, again, at least I hope not, but I might be forced to hand over the recipe, the dutch oven and the wooden spoon.
So will I share this recipe with all of you? Let’s see how it comes out and if I can get a decent picture. That way, if I botch it you won’t be forced to witness my shame. But who knows? With the Grace of God (I’m going to need it) the fudge might turn out all right.
For now, as said by Gir from the Invader Zim show “Let’s Sing The Doom Song!”
Doom, da...doom, da…doom da...doom, da…doom...

Mystery writer C.L. Ragsdale is the author of The Reboot Files a Christian Mystery Series. A California native, she loves to "surf" the web to research plot details for her fun, quirky stories with just a bit of whopper in them. She has a degree in Theatre Arts which greatly influenced her writing style. Working in various fields as a secretary has allowed her to both master her writing skills and acquire valuable technical knowledge which she uses liberally in her plots. She loves to embroider and knit and is a big fan of the old Scooby Doo cartoons.
Current E-Books
THE REBOOT FILES:  The Mystery of Hurtleberry House, The Island of Living Trees, The Harbinger of Retribution, and The Wrong Ghost.


  1. Cindy, with practice the fudge will turn out just like your mom's. The first time I made a pie crust after I got married, I had to throw away FIVE of them before one turned out like my mom's. Since then, every pie crust turns out perfect.

    Good luck, you candy maker you!

    ~Nancy Jill
    Author of the Jillian Bradley Mysteries

  2. Cindy, is the recipe a family secret? If not, I would sure like to try making it. I'm having fun in the kitchen with everyone's recipes and look forward to all the different ones.

  3. Hi Everyone.
    I don't know Nancy Jill. You can judge for yourself. I will be posting the recipe, Linda, which isn't secret, just labor intensive. I will be posting it, but I'm hoping to get a picture. We'll see how that goes, but I will be posting both versions of the recipe. Why are there two versions? Funny story...which I'll tell when I post.


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