
Thursday, November 29, 2012


My characters are back and talking to me again.

Now just by way of explanation, in case you haven't read back far enough in the posts, I am not a crazy writer who hears voices...well maybe I am but that has nothing to do with this post. You see when I write, and I get a little off in the plot, my characters start to talk to me to put me back on the right path. It's just a tool my imagination uses to help me through the rough patches.

At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Anyway my main male character, Troy Stenson, decided he didn't like the title of my latest book in progress, The Straw Man Myth.

You know sometimes I wonder why I invented this guy. Well I know why I invented him, I needed a Watson for my Sherlock, the beautiful, cool (do you always be right?) Irene Waters. Still, for someone who's make believe Troy sure has a lot of opinions.

Imaginary men. They're always starting trouble.

Anyway, this all started when I decided I needed some inspiration for this story, which involves
creepy scarecrows, so I found this little guy:

I know, he doesn't exactly fill your heart with terror, but seeing that my books aren't exactly scary either I figured he was the perfect inspiration, and he was. The plot began to come together far easier than it had been, and I'm really happy with it. There will be several revelations in this book as follows:
Irene's techno sister Matty will have an expanded role.

Just who Bernie aka Barnaby Youngstown is and what his issues are with The Records Department will become clearer.

And last, but not least....

The Voice will be identified! That's right, God finally let me in on it! Yes, it's a character I've already established in the other books and I hope it's a shocker for you. I would hate for it to be a let down, but I can only promise to do my best.

However, the only thing that bothered me was the title didn't seem right anymore, and that's when Troy decided he had the perfect title which he decided to pop into my head. I'd know that man's voice anywhere, because I made it up. So what is his idea?

The Great Scarecrow Invasion!

The what???

Now I've had some bad ideas in the past, but The Great Scarecrow Invasion? Maybe there's a reason  I'm blaming it on Troy.

I mean it's cheesy, it's terrible, it sounds like a bad 50's monster movie.


So that's the title now, The Great Scarecrow Invasion. No more changes. It's just bad enough to be good. Coming as soon as I get it done.

And Troy is very happy.

But Irene, not so much. That girl takes this all very seriously.

Oh well, I guess you can't please all the imaginary people.

Mystery writer C.L. Ragsdale is the author of The Reboot Files a Christian Mystery Series. A California native, she loves to "surf" the web to research plot details for her fun, quirky stories with just a bit of whopper in them. She has a degree in Theatre Arts which greatly influenced her writing style. Working in various fields as a secretary has allowed her to both master her writing skills and acquire valuable technical knowledge which she uses liberally in her plots. She loves to embroider and knit and is a big fan of the old Scooby Doo cartoons.
Current E-Books
THE REBOOT FILES:  The Mystery of Hurtleberry House, The Island of Living Trees, The Harbinger of Retribution, and The Wrong Ghost.


  1. Love it that your characters talk to you - and it shows in your books!

    Hurry "The Great Scarecrow Invasion" please!

    ~Nancy Jill

    1. It's going much better now since I changed the title. Funny how a little thing like that puts it all in perspective. What do I mean? You'll see when you read it.


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