
Friday, April 12, 2013

Guess His Name - Win the Book!

Okay - this is hard so I'll be giving hints until someone guesses.
Hint #1. His name has four letters and contains an "a."
Hint #2. His name begins with an "S."
For all you cozy mystery lovers here's a challenge: Guess the name of the amnesia victim and you win  a copy of "FROM THE CLUTCHES OF EVIL" (or a book of your choice from the series). First one to leave a comment with the correct name wins. Enter as many times as you like but only one guess per comment. Good luck! Winner announced on next Friday's post IF someone guesses. To send you your prize I'll ask for your e-mail at that time.
Happy Reading this weekend! Here's a review to get you started - read carefully. His name is NOT Luke.

 Fun, cozy read April 9, 2013
Jillian Bradley, the heroine in the Series, becomes guardian to a young teen after an accident leaves him with amnesia and his female companion dead.  An implanted chip in the young man pushes Jillian to discover who her houseguest is and why no one has filed a missing person's report. Plenty of rest is prescribed for Luke, the temporary name given the young man and with around the clock nursing, Jillian is given the freedom to put her listening ear to good use. A fun cozy mystery, I highly recommend this book. ~Barbara Ann Derksen

Thanks for the great review Barbara!

See you in my books!
 ~Nancy Jill 
Mystery novelist Nancy Jill Thames began publishing Christian fiction in 2010. The author of six books in the Jillian Bradley series, she is an award winning blogger and is listed numerous times on the Author Watch Bestseller’s List, this in addition to winning first place for her Chocolate Cream Pie.

When she isn’t plotting her next book, she spends time with her six grandchildren in two states, tags along with her husband on business trips, and plays classical piano for her own personal enjoyment. She is an active member of the Leander Writers Guild and supports the Central Texas SPCA with a portion of her book sales.

Nancy Jill is busy working on book 7 "The Ruby of Siam" a mystery taking place in London, England. To learn more about the author and check out her books, please visit her blog at  

To view and purchase her books on this site, please visit the Cozy Book Store.


  1. I would like to guess that the amnesia victims name is RIVER. (As in Thames River). :)

    Cynthia in MA

  2. Good guess, but incorrect. You're welcome to try again!

    ~Nancy Jill

  3. Oh, fun! The story sounds great. Now, I'll have to add yet another book to my TBR list.

    Is his name Dean?

  4. Thanks for the note on the book. Dean is a good guess, but not the correct one. Sorry! Please try again.

    ~Nancy Jill

  5. Is his name Stan?

  6. Sigh, didn't read the clue carefully enough. Mark, not Paul.

  7. Keep 'em coming - one of you is really warm!

    ~Nancy Jill

  8. Replies
    1. Two of the letters are correct! Please try again. A new clue will appear tomorrow.

      ~Nsncy Jill

  9. Well - we have a winner! Lisa Heffley guessed his name - Sean. Congratulations Lisa! I'll be sending her a book of her choice in the Jillian Bradley Mystery Series. Thank you all for such great guesses - we'll have to do this again!

    ~Nancy Jill


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