
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Giveaway and Interview for "Murder in Marietta"



I don't know what the weather is in your part of the country, but it has been raining, raining and more raining here in the North Georgia Mountains. I thought it would be good to have another giveaway for my latest book to put some sunshine in our lives. I am posting some questions that I use for interviews - thought it might be fun to interview myself. All you have to do is leave a comment about Spring and how the weather is where you live and be a follower. Hope this brightens your day just a little:)

Tell us a little about yourself. (Where you grew up, how many siblings you have, when you came to know the Lord, a little about your life now, etc.)
My dad was from Opelika, AL and my mother was from Cincinnati, OH. It’s so true when they say opposites attract. My dad had moved there to work for General Electric. While they were there they had my two older brothers, Bill and Curtis. In the early 1950’s they moved to north Georgia where my dad was transferred to work at GE. I wonder sometimes how I would have turned out if we’d stayed in Ohio – I’d be a *&^% YankeeJ This past summer we had a reunion of twelve cousins in Cinn on my mother’s side. Some I hadn’t seen for 40 years. It was so much fun!
My mother had RArthritis, but Dad never missed a church service taking us kids to church.  I have had my ups and downs with my faith, but I’ve never given up on God. I’ve come to the conclusion there are some things we will not have the answers to while on this earth. And that is alright – in Pro. 3:5 we are told to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” That is the verse Trixie holds on to in “Death in Dahlonega.”
Tell us three things about you that would surprise your readers.
I went back to college in my early 40’s and graduated at the age of 45 in 1999.
I’ve had Fibromyalgia since 1992.
I’m a novice photographer and love macro shots of nature. I’ve had a showing of my photographs at our local hospital.
Were you an avid reader as a child? What did you read?
Yes, yes and yes. I’ve been saying lately that I came out of the womb readingJ Mysteries have always been my favorites and I loved Nancy Drew and Trixie Beldon.
What is your favorite genre to read now?
Gee – would you believe mysteries? LOL  However, since I’ve been reviewing books for my blog I have read just about every genre there is and I feel I’ve opened a whole new world of reading for me. I would encourage others to read outside their safety zone –favorite genre – and discover a whole new world.
As a child or teenager, did you ever dream of being an author?
Yes – When I was a teenager I started a mystery. I think I made it to page 3 or 4.
When did you first begin writing, and why do you write still?
I started writing when I went back to college and took a creative writing course. I knew then I wanted to publish something. In 2001 I published my first article in a historical magazine “Georgia Backroads” and I’ve been writing for them since then. I still write because I still have goals in my writing I haven’t reached yet. Also, I love it and it helps me keep my sanity in a stressful world.
How long did you write before you sold your first book?
I found a floppy disk dated 2002 when I began, but life got in the way. I wrote and edited consistently for three years to finish it.

How many books do you have published?
My debut cozy “Death in Dahlonega” published by Lamp Post Publishing was my first book.  “Murder in Marietta” will be my second book so that is two I’ve had published. I’m working on my third in the series, “Terror on Tybee Island.”
Tell us about your latest book.
Trixie and her best friend Dee Dee go to Marietta on assignment where Trixie is going to spend the night in the supposedly haunted Marietta History Museum.  She has convinced Dee Dee to spend the night with her. When the director of the museum woke them up the next morning they thought he was having a heart attack – but he had just seen a dead body. Add in the antics of Trixie’s great-aunt Nana and you have a recipe for murder and mayhem.
Do you put yourself into your main character, or do you find yourself borrowing from family or friends as your characters develop?
My goodness yes – but that’s all I’m going to sayJ
Is there any scene in your book that came from a real-life happening?
There are several in my first book “Death in Dahlonega.” At the beginning when they are going to Dahlonega and eating trail mix is reminiscent of when my friend and I took a trip to Dahlonega. I don’t think there are any scenes in “Murder in Marietta” that really happened.
Are you a plotter, a pantster, or somewhere in between, and can you elaborate on your answer?
I’m definitely a panster. I have a general outline on how I want the manuscript to progress, but that’s it. Then I might do a general outline for each chapter, but none of it is done in detail. Now after I’ve written a chapter I will go in Microsoft One Note and detail the chapter so I can keep up with my characters, timeline, setting, etc.
Share something about your day-to-day life that might help a reader to feel as though they know you a little better.
As I’ve mentioned I have fibromyalgia which limits how much and how often I write. I also have an adult daughter, Niki, who is severely disabled. About five years ago I needed help with her care. So now I have caregivers who come every day to help with her care. There are people coming in and out during the day so there is never a dull moment.
Do you have a favorite scripture? If so, why is it your favorite?
Trixie’s favorite scripture for “Murder in Marietta” is Eph. 4:32
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you.
How do you choose names for your characters?
I use the phone book, internet, and I also ask other writers to give me suggestions.
What is the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you?
Several years ago I decided to let my hair grow out. I used a curling brush/iron on my hair. One day it got tangled and I couldn’t get it out. I had to unplug it and go to my neighbors and ask for their help. They had a good laugh about it.
Where can your readers find you on the internet?,
Deborah has worked as a freelance writer and photographer, since 2001, for the historical magazine “Georgia Backroads.” She has had many articles and photographs published during this time. Her writing is featured in “Tales of the Rails” edited by Olin Jackson. She has also had a showing of her photographs at Floyd Medical Center Art Gallery as well as winning several awards. Her debut cozy mystery "Death in Dahlonega", a winner in the ACFW Category Five Writer's Contest, is now available.She is a current member of the Georgia Writers Association, and a member of American Christian Fiction Writers. Deborah has been nomiated for Georgia Author of the Year 2012. She has an established blog, Butterfly Journey, where she reviews Christian Fiction. You can also catch her at
Sleuths and Suspects, where she reviews mysteries. She also contributes to the Cozy Mystery Magazine every other Tuesday.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Thanks for sharing about yourself! Good idea AND good giveaway! I hope people are jumping on that right now!

  3. Love this idea, Debbie. I'm already a follower so I know I can't enter. Beautiful weather in Austin when I left this morning, and here in Phoenix it's a lovely 80 degrees.

    ~Nancy Jill

    1. No you can enter Nancy. I meant old followers or new followers:)


  4. Great interview Deb! I enjoyed getting to know you a little better. :)

  5. Spring has been absolutely gorgeous in NYC this year!! oops!! i probably just jinxed it!!

    thank you for the giveaway!!!!

  6. I love spring. Its my favorite time of year. Our spring is generally very short leading into a LONG hot summer. Last week we were in the mid high 90's and this week we are in the high 60's to low 70's with showers off and on. We are thankful for the rain as we have had 5 fires burning near us in the past week and a half. Please enter me in the giveaway.

    winterrose (at) comcast (dot) net

  7. One week we had rain, thunderstorms, hail, 85 degrees, snow, and more rain - yes, all in the same week! It was crazy!


  8. Wonderful interview Deb. Nice to get to know a little about you.
    Weather here in Georgia has gotten nice after the 3 days of rain that we needed.
    I do like the cover of your book.


  9. Thank you for the interview. It's nice to learn more about Debbie. Murder in Marietta sounds like an interesting book. I love good mysteries.

  10. Springtime finally arrived about a week ago. Our winter seemed to last forever this year.
    I'm a follower Ü
    Thanks for the chance to win a copy of Murder in Marietta.


  11. I am very familiar with Marietta and its old charms and hidden dangers. I would love to read this novel! Sounds like you are on a great road Debbie.

  12. There doesn't seem to be much of a change in Spring here...we don't actually have 4 distinct has been sprinkling here the last 3 days but it's been pretty much the same as Winter was only a little warmer.

  13. I want to thank everyone for all of your great comments. Thank you for stopping by and I hope you'll return often!
    Debbie Malone

  14. I would really love to read "Murder in Murietta". Great interview. I would love to read a story set in Georgia.


  15. You did a great job interviewing yourself, Deborah. I read "Death in Dahlonega" and would love to read "Murder in Marietta." Spring is slow coming here on the coast of NC. It's here and then it's gone again--then it's back again. We've had lots of rainy days which is good for the farmers and our gardens--and wearing out the lawn mower. It's supposed to be 80 degrees this weekend; I can hardly wait.

  16. I wish you would send some of that rain to Florida. It would help wash some of the pollen out of the air and hopefully take care of these pesky lovebugs.
    Thanks for entering me in the giveaway.
    Janet E.

  17. Great interview. Would love to win.


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