
Friday, July 13, 2012


Doesn't matter what you're trying to sell - could be shoes, a service or a book, but you need branding if you're ever going to make it in today's world. Of course there's recognizable brands out there like Coke, AT&T, and GM but there's also you, whoever you are.   
     Took me a while to figure out my brand. Sure I'm a musician, artist and a pretty good cook (check out the recipe at the end), but I finally figured out the best brand for me was to be honest and just be who I am. So, after wrestling with trying to be witty and clever I decided my brand would be "Queen of Afternoon Tea" author of Jillian Bradley Mysteries. My protagonist is my alter ego living a life of gentility and mystery solving. She is branded as a widow and childless, Yorkie and art lover, garden columnist and garden club member. And I mustn't forget that Jillian is a lady who always serves afternoon tea or partakes of it where ever she visits. Even in "Pacific Beach" Jillian has tea and crumpets at The Mad Dogs Cafe with one of the characters in the book.

      Take a look at people in your field and see how they brand themselves. Keep threshing your ideas out until you are comfortable with one that fits. Then, just become your brand.
     Now, before you decide what your brand will be it's a good idea to Google your ideas and see if the idea's been used before. Here's a good post on the subject you may want to read called The ABC's of Personal Branding. Above all understand that by branding yourself you will at last understand who you are and what you're trying to accomplish. As a Christian, I realize that's my brand too - one that I'm very grateful for and the reason for my writing. Being cooped up in a house all day doesn't afford many opportunities to share God's love. But people who read my books will get a glimpse of what being a Christian might be like...and who knows? Perhaps they'll even open their hearts to our loving Savior. Have you come up with a brand of your own? 

Thought I'd share a delicious summer recipe from Relish Magazine in the Cozy Kitchen.
Come on in and take a peek!

Sweet shrimp cooked on the grill perfectly complement a tomato salad with citrus vinaigrette.

Nancy Jill is busy working on book 6 Waiting for Santa, a murder mystery taking place on Christmas Eve near Jillian Bradley’s home in Clover Hills.

She has won awards for her blogs,  a pie contest for her Chip Chocolate Cream Pie, and has been on the Author Watch Bestseller List numerous times.

To check out her books, Murder in Half Moon Bay, The Ghost Orchid Murder, From the Clutches of Evil, The Mark of Eden, and Pacific Beach, please visit: 
her Web Site.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Linda. I bet some of your "sweet tea" would go perfectly with the shrimp! Cute brand "Sweet Tea Fiction."

      ~Nancy Jill

  2. Great post Nancy. Branding or having a platform are words I've heard alot about lately. Timely post!
    Debbie Malone
    "Death in Dahlonega"

    1. Hey Debbie,

      We're all branded - it's just important that we choose one for ourselves so we get promoted in the way we want. Easy to say - hard to do!

      ~Nancy Jill

  3. Indeed! And I'm loving your brand! It makes me want to pop over around 4 o'clock for a cuppa. : )

    1. You have a standing invitation, Traci! I'm glad you like my brand. Thanks!


      ~Nancy Jill

  4. Great Post Nancy Jill. Really interesting and I've been hearing a lot about this too, and I admit I'm still trying to figure it out. Especially since the cool ones like Queen of Afternoon Tea are taken.
    My personal blog is Coloring Without Crayons, which came out of my hobby of embroidering but also describes my tendency not doing anything the usual way. My mother says I do everything backwards and she's right. But I also find myself using the term "Reboot Style" a lot lately to describe my writing. Which just means fun and not so scary.

    1. Hi C.L., Yeah, you have a very unique writing style - you create the narrative as you dialogue. Wish I could. As for doing things backwards, we authors are indeed a little different from most people I think. And better to reboot than to simply shut down!

      ~Nancy Jill

    2. You know Nancy Jill I wish I could do better descriptive writing probably why I have trouble writing novels.
      By the way I did figure out my brand, I actually use it on my facebook page.
      C.L Ragsdale Author of Humorous Christian Mysteries
      Just When You've Got It All Figured Out, God Goes And Pulls A Fast One On You
      Fits me to a Tea (Pun intended Your Majesty)


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