
Friday, July 27, 2012

You Are Not Alone! by Nancy Jill Thames

Flying home from Scottsdale last night I was reading an article in some publication (either The Wall Street Journal or the Southwest magazine in the pouch in front of me) that stated 28% of all adults (in America?) live alone these days. That's something like 3.3 million people it said! I wrote a post on my author blog recently about solitude doing a body good and this article backed up that message. To a point.
     Now if you're a workaholic like me, you may think your work keeps you company, right? Truth is we were created to interact with others. The article said even though solitude is something we all need at times, loneliness is a precursor to suicide. That's a bummer. Doesn't have to be that way. People still need friends and that's why we're here - to bring you stories of mystery, adventure, a little humor here and there and most of all characters who are yes, figments of our imagination, but those figures often embody ourselves. So what you get is community with people just like you. And we're real friends! Debbie Malone, Sandra Moore, Cindy Ragsdale, Traci Hilton, Linda Kozar and myself.
      If you're reading this post, you're probably a reader already. But as some of you have commented, you're new to the cozy genre. Well, this is where cozies are different. Our stories are usually based on everyday people solving mysteries - people who could be your next door neighbor - people who want to be in your lives. My old friends are Miss Marple, Hercule Poirot and Jessica Fletcher, but I'm making new friends reading new authors all the time.
     So if you live alone (or know someone who does), remember our books are here to give you friendship and fellowship. Who are some of your favorite characters? What kinds of settings do they live in? Do you think of them as friends or acquaintances?

And don't forget the Giveaway Extravaganza going on right now!  


A Fast & Fabulous Salmon Recipe Featured Today 
in the Cozy Kitchen

Nancy Jill Thames is the author of "Jillian Bradley Mysteries," a series often set in exclusive hotels and resorts, based on real life travel adventures with her husband of 44 years. Her mysteries incorporate her love of afternoon tea, which has earned her the title of “Queen of Afternoon Tea.” She holds a music degree from UT Austin and lives in Leander, Texas where she is a member of the Leander Writers Guild. Nancy Jill is busy working on book 6 Waiting for Santa, a murder mystery taking place on Christmas Eve near Jillian Bradley’s home in Clover Hills. She has won awards for her blogs, a pie contest for her Chip Chocolate Cream Pie, and has been on the Author Watch Bestseller List numerous times.

To check out her books, Murder in Half Moon Bay, The Ghost Orchid Murder, From the Clutches of Evil, The Mark of Eden, and Pacific Beach, please visit:


  1. Jill,
    I loved this post. I do think of this as a cozy little neighborhood where we hang out and solve mysteries. I look forward to our neighborhood growing in the coming months!
    Debbie Malone
    "Death in Dahlonega"

  2. Debbie,

    Such a good description of our magazine! Looking forward to getting better acquainted with our "neighbors" as we comment. I'm doing a little relaxing actually. This morning I only did laundry, baked a custard pie for next week's Cozy Kitchen recipe and photographed my tea cozies for the post pictures. My husband told me I needed to make each recipe(so he could enjoy my cooking again)and then take the photo. Since there's so much of a brew ha-ha over copyrights, it's really a good idea anyway! Hope you're feeling better.

    ~Nancy Jill


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